Tuesday, November 24, 2015

What else can we do to receive our breakthrough?

Production work has slowed this month.  I am not making any money.  Fortunately we did pretty well this summer.  I have been working with actors and another screenplay writer on our script.  I love collaboration and can see how God is already attracting amazing people to this project to make it even greater than I can imagine.  I am trying not to put a timeline on production.  We thought we would be shooting in the spring at this time last year.  I wrestle with the thought, "Is there something more I need to do to receive breakthrough?"  Do I not have because, I don't ask?  Or ask with wrong intentions?  Is there something new I need to learn?  Do I need to read another book on launching a business, writing a screenplay, managing my time?  Maybe there is another sermon I need to hear or a seminar I need to attend.  I hunger for wisdom and I know I don't know it all.  I am always looking for ways to grow but is what I don't know hindering this particular breakthrough?  It took me "Writing" Perfect Swing, "Forming" the LLC with my partners, "Going" to a business conference to connect with our investor, "Moving" from our home, and "Working" on other movie productions this summer, to get to where I am today.  Now that we have arrived in our filming location for Perfect Swing, Shreveport, LA, is there something more I need to do?

Remember how God told the golf manager the day before we met that our movie was going to be filmed here.  And the Lord used an amazing family we just met to provide a home for us.  So maybe since the Lord has told us to "Be Still" this month, perhaps that's exactly what he wants us to do.
When the Israelites left Egypt and Pharos' army pursued, Moses said:

"The Lord will fight for you, and you will not need to lift a finger!"  Exodus 14:14 (TLB)

With a pillar of fire and a strong wind to split the sea the Lord did it all!  We have great memories living in Olympia, WA for 12 years.  We made some lifelong friends and our children lacked nothing.  But we were mostly broke and in debt the whole time.  It was our Egypt/Wilderness experience.  But praise the Lord we are on the move on our conquest exploring new land!  The Lord is fighting for us and honoring us as his son and daughters.  I am learning how to "Be Still" in this new season by being thankful for all that I have and all that Jesus has already done.  How can I honor my family and friends this Christmas season?  How can I just be still and enjoy the presence of my children and my lovely wife.  Perhaps I need to finish this year and receive my breakthrough for Perfect Swing by not even lifting a finger...


  1. Love the blog. LOVE that scripture. I even had it on a post it on my head board. Remember, Martha was doing, and complaining. Mary was at the feet of Jesus learning and listening and soaking up His love.

    1. Thanks Crystal! Miss your family! Thanks for you and Ryan's support!
