Monday, September 12, 2016

It's Flood Season - The Close

When I wrote "Road May Flood" in my last blog I didn't expect it to actually be the worst flood in Louisiana in 500 years!  I was also referring to a spiritual flood of God's glory and power.  However the physical flood happened in Louisiana, where I am currently living and prepping to film Perfect Swing, while we were in 21 days of prayer with our church family at Shreveport Community Church, as we were battling for breakthrough it rained hard!

The storm matched my struggle to hold on to my God given promises that Perfect Swing will be made.  On day 21 we heard the news to expect our financing before the end of the year!  During this final season of "The Close" a lot can still go wrong, actually a year ago we were in this closing boat and it sank, but this feels different.  I believe the battle has already been won!  It's a done deal.  Perfect Swing will be made and will empower artists and impact audiences all over the world by the power of the Holy Spirit!  So count down the days with us and look for our "Fully Funded" announcement!  If you want to partner with us in prayer subscribe to our prayer team emails.  Now watch Zoie and I escape the flood waters on our location for Perfect Swing!