Monday, September 12, 2016

It's Flood Season - The Close

When I wrote "Road May Flood" in my last blog I didn't expect it to actually be the worst flood in Louisiana in 500 years!  I was also referring to a spiritual flood of God's glory and power.  However the physical flood happened in Louisiana, where I am currently living and prepping to film Perfect Swing, while we were in 21 days of prayer with our church family at Shreveport Community Church, as we were battling for breakthrough it rained hard!

The storm matched my struggle to hold on to my God given promises that Perfect Swing will be made.  On day 21 we heard the news to expect our financing before the end of the year!  During this final season of "The Close" a lot can still go wrong, actually a year ago we were in this closing boat and it sank, but this feels different.  I believe the battle has already been won!  It's a done deal.  Perfect Swing will be made and will empower artists and impact audiences all over the world by the power of the Holy Spirit!  So count down the days with us and look for our "Fully Funded" announcement!  If you want to partner with us in prayer subscribe to our prayer team emails.  Now watch Zoie and I escape the flood waters on our location for Perfect Swing!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Road May Flood - Power of Expectancy

This summer our family drove over 7,000 miles for vacation.  We were able to drive home to Oregon and spend July with our parents, siblings and friends.  We relaxed and had a perfect NW summer enjoying the mountains, flowing rivers and ocean beaches.  As we began the trek back to Louisiana we were very expectant for breakthrough for our movie, Perfect Swing.  Our first stop was in Redding, CA at Bethel.  This is where our journey began.  This is where our dream was resurrected.  We were expectant for God to do something new, to finish the work he began two years ago this same month.  We were encouraged by the believers there and continued south.  We enjoyed our last day by the pool at my younger brother's home with his family near Pasadena, CA.  Then we arose at 4 AM and headed east for two days across the desert.  Several times I saw the warning sign, "Road May Flood".  It was summer and dry and didn't worry me, but it did describe the expectancy I was feeling for my motion picture company, Highwater Entertainment.  The flood I am expecting is a new encounter with God.  A lyric from Bethel's, Spirit Move, says, "Let your power rush in like a flood."  That's what it's going to take to impact an audience with our film, power.  Not my power.  I literally have no way to finish this film.  I am no big shot producer.  I am completely dependent on God to finish this work.  We have been obedient to write the screenplay, complete the business plan, and build the team.  He has provided for us by bringing me other production work, giving us our golf course location and speak to perfect strangers to provide a beautifully furnished home for us as we wait.  Wait for what?  Power.  

And behold, I am sending the promise of my Father upon you. But stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.” - Luke 24:49

Just like the yellow warning sign says, it may or may not flood down the road ahead.  But when the rain season is upon us we will be ready and I see the clouds billowing up into the heavens ahead and I can hear the thunder roll in downtown Shreveport as I write. Expect with us.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Our Year in Review - The Production Road to Perfect Swing

On May 31, 2015 we moved out of our house in Lacey, WA.  This is a reflection of the last 12 months away from home.  When I wrote Perfect Swing in 2012 I had no idea the cost of resurrecting a dream to direct feature films with Jesus.  While pursuing this dream it has costs us everything, but our family.  Our house, my videography equipment, our car, all our money and most of our possessions.  When we hit the road May 31st we had two moving trucks, one for donations and the other for a small storage facility in Sherwood, OR.

Only what fit in our Tahoe came with us when we decided to fully embrace the adventure of independent feature filmmaking with Jesus.
We were traveling light and here's some highlights of our year...

In-N-Out in Redding, CA to visit friends...
Bethel Church, Redding, CA
Disneyland with family
Grand Canyon -  Leilani

Grandma and Grandpa Bunfill in Mt Sterling, IL
Our first new home of our own since our move in Winona Lake, IN right on the canal for the next 6 weeks. - June 2015
Working on the movie New Life - Nouvelle Vie as a family!
Here's the Behind the Scenes I created! Coming to theaters October 2016!
Time to hit the trail again!  Heading south to Texas!
Stopping to see more family including Grandma Jump along the way.
Last stop in Shreveport, LA before Texas to visit the Erickson cousins...or is it? - August 2015
We were invited to scout our first golf course in Shreveport, LA for Perfect Swing and God told us to look no further.  "We have arrived!" - Favor - Handed the keys to this golf course to make our movie. - August 2015

Finally made it to Dallas, TX to work on another production as the Animatic Editor for Hillary's America
The girls enjoyed the Dallas Zoo while I worked at the production office.  During this production our financing for Perfect Swing got delayed.  "God where do you want us to live now?  Dallas, Shreveport or back home in Oregon?" - October 2015
Within 24 hrs of that prayer, perfect strangers, and now dear friends, heard from the Lord and told us Jesus wanted us to live here until our movie was complete.  The Erickson family helped us move in after living with them for 7 weeks! Downtown Shreveport - Beautiful, Furnished, Rent Free! - October 2015
This is the storefront "Thrive" right next to our new home!
Thanksgiving with the Bunfill family!

Christmas Eve with cousins.
April's folks celebrated Christmas with us!
My parents brought in the New Year!
Mardi Gras Parade right outside our front door!
Spring at the Asian Gardens across the street.  During this time I am editing 14 television episodes for The National Bible Bee Game Show.

Celebrating Easter with new friends in our home.
Playing the land as a family that God promised to us to make Perfect Swing!
Updating the screenplay, playing and praying over our golf course and letting God do the rest. - May 2016

We have decided to commit another year in Shreveport!  We are hitting the road for summer vacation at the end of June, getting refueled and refreshed back home in Oregon and we are praying and expecting financial breakthrough for Perfect Swing on the way back to Shreveport in August.  Will pre-production begin when we return?  Stay tuned!  God's got this!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Fighting to Win

On Saturday I played a solo round on our location for Perfect Swing in Shreveport, LA.  I played and prayed on the land that Jesus gave us.  Before we arrived in August, God told the manager we were coming and opened up the doors before us.  When our financing was delayed Jesus gave us a fully furnished home less then 10 minutes from the course.  I have been working on other projects as a video editor to provide for my family as we wait for production to begin.  Our family became members of the local church we have been attending as well as joining the country club.  My girls are learning to play golf.  I take them to the driving range 3 times a week to hit a bucket of balls.  My wife and I are playing golf for the first time as a couple.  As we possess this land, our inheritance, we feel the spiritual attack increase;  discouragement, doubt, feelings of being insignificant, feelings of being a fool while we wait for the funds to be released.  I continue to do the work set before me to provide for my family, play the course in faith to prepare me as a director, teach my children, love my wife, meet with young men to encourage them and let wiser men speak into my life.  We are trying to partner with a prophetic word spoken to me during church from the stage in February, "The season of delay is over and stability beyond what you can imagine is coming from the Lord, continue to worship Him."  This week I've experienced more delay in my video editing work, hence the time to blog and reflect today.  Will you declare with us this season of delay over?!  The stability of joyful expectation to rule in our home.  Let all the resources we need to make this movie be attracted to us.  The enemy knows we are here to destroy the works of the devil and lift up Jesus and reveal the truths of who Father God really is.  The enemy may now know our intentions but how much more do I need to be reminded that my God is with me fighting for me, preparing the way.  This is what I am learning and is also the main theme of Perfect Swing.  

Deuteronomy 20The Message (MSG)

20 1-4 When you go to war against your enemy and see horses and chariots and soldiers far outnumbering you, do not recoil in fear of them; God, your God, who brought you up out of Egypt is with you. When the battle is about to begin, let the priest come forward and speak to the troops. He’ll say, “Attention, Israel. In a few minutes you’re going to do battle with your enemies. Don’t waver in resolve. Don’t fear. Don’t hesitate. Don’t panic. God, your God, is right there with you, fighting with you against your enemies, fighting to win.”

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Winner Takes All or How to Win...

I am stuffed.  I've been feasting for the last month with family in town.  This is actually my first week back to normal since the holidays.  It was even supposed to begin yesterday but a Mardi Gras parade went past my front door yesterday, so we celebrated another day!  I am not complaining, I am just filled up and ready to go!  Filled up with ideas and vision for Perfect Swing and my company, Highwater and filled with expectation of what God is going to do in 2016.
What do y'all think of my vision poster above?  It's not the movie poster it's the vision poster.  Movie posters are created after the film is complete.  This vision poster is for me.  I printed it out professionally and it hangs next to my desk and is the first thing I see when I walk in the door and come downstairs, it's my vision poster, "Winner Takes All"!  So what is a win for me this year?  I bet you can guess.  Perfect Swing in production!  I want to return to the Great NW with big metal hard drives hanging over my shoulder like a trophy kill, containing beautiful footage and performances to tell this inspirational story.  With that hard drive full, I can start editing the movie together, create teasers and trailers, behind the scenes webisodes, making of documentary and even the real finished movie poster!  Which I am sure I will need some help on.  Filmmaking is collaborative.  It takes many people to make a great film, many winners.  I can't direct this film without having a winning attitude.  The story is about an underdog family winning everything with everything on the line.  I am living it and each day becomes less daunting and more exciting.  I am learning how to hear God's voice and make the brave decisions each day to be faith filled and expectant verses fearful.  So how are we going to win and take all the spoils home and be even more exhausted from feasting and even more filled with vision to make this world a better place?  I am going to trust that Jesus is with me everyday and guiding each and every step.  He knows the way to my destiny because He's the one who designed it for me.