Production work has slowed this month. I am not making any money. Fortunately we did pretty well this summer. I have been working with actors and another screenplay writer on our script. I love collaboration and can see how God is already attracting amazing people to this project to make it even greater than I can imagine. I am trying not to put a timeline on production. We thought we would be shooting in the spring at this time last year. I wrestle with the thought, "Is there something more I need to do to receive breakthrough?" Do I not have because, I don't ask? Or ask with wrong intentions? Is there something new I need to learn? Do I need to read another book on launching a business, writing a screenplay, managing my time? Maybe there is another sermon I need to hear or a seminar I need to attend. I hunger for wisdom and I know I don't know it all. I am always looking for ways to grow but is what I don't know hindering this particular breakthrough? It took me "Writing" Perfect Swing, "Forming" the LLC with my partners, "Going" to a business conference to connect with our investor, "Moving" from our home, and "Working" on other movie productions this summer, to get to where I am today. Now that we have arrived in our filming location for Perfect Swing, Shreveport, LA, is there something more I need to do?
Remember how God told the golf manager the day before we met that our movie was going to be filmed here. And the Lord used an amazing family we just met to provide a home for us. So maybe since the Lord has told us to "Be Still" this month, perhaps that's exactly what he wants us to do.
When the Israelites left Egypt and Pharos' army pursued, Moses said:
"The Lord will fight for you, and you will not need to lift a finger!" Exodus 14:14 (TLB)
With a pillar of fire and a strong wind to split the sea the Lord did it all! We have great memories living in Olympia, WA for 12 years. We made some lifelong friends and our children lacked nothing. But we were mostly broke and in debt the whole time. It was our Egypt/Wilderness experience. But praise the Lord we are on the move on our conquest exploring new land! The Lord is fighting for us and honoring us as his son and daughters. I am learning how to "Be Still" in this new season by being thankful for all that I have and all that Jesus has already done. How can I honor my family and friends this Christmas season? How can I just be still and enjoy the presence of my children and my lovely wife. Perhaps I need to finish this year and receive my breakthrough for Perfect Swing by not even lifting a finger...
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Friday, November 6, 2015
Living in a Glass House - Expecting Breakthrough!
We lived with the Ericksons for 7 weeks in Shreveport, LA from the end of August through September. We found our location for Perfect Swing at the Shreveport Country Club. Then I began commuting and working in Dallas on the new Dinesh D'Souza Documentary, Stealing America, as the Animatic Editor.
Can you spot my red Titleist hat?
While in Dallas, my film investor told me there is further delay in releasing the funding and the timeline is unknown. My worst fear... I did nothing, told no one until my peace returned. 3 days later on Sunday morning I prayed a simple prayer on the way to church. "Jesus, I will continue to wait for Perfect Swing to launch as long as you want me to just tell me where you want me and my family to live as we wait, Shreveport, Dallas or back home in the NW, Portland. By that evening a couple that we just met that morning in our Sunday School class called us and told us that they have a beautiful, furnished, 1800 sq ft, two story loft apartment in downtown Shreveport for us for as long as we need it, rent free. They said, "Jesus, wanted us to have it." Wow, what an answer to prayer! We moved in at the beginning of October and are truly blessed. The front of our home is made of Glass Bricks. I call it my Glass Castle in my city of refuge. Remember we are on a conquest, we have crossed the Jordan and we are conquering land so we can possess our promised land. We are just using Capitalism, not Swords. =)
Deuteronomy 6:10-12The Message (MSG)
10-12 When God, your God, ushers you into the land he promised through your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to give you, you’re going to walk into large, bustling cities you didn’t build, well-furnished houses you didn’t buy, come upon wells you didn’t dig, vineyards and olive orchards you didn’t plant. When you take it all in and settle down, pleased and content, make sure you don’t forget how you got there—God brought you out of slavery in Egypt.
We are expecting breakthrough at any moment. Could God be any more clear? Perfect Swing will be shot in Shreveport. Currently I am moving forward in faith by creating an Animatic for Perfect Swing just like I did for Stealing America. Just hearing the actors read the lines is breathing life into this project. Keep praying and keep expecting with us! The walls delaying funding are coming down!
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
21 Days of Prayer...
When we arrived in Shreveport we found our locations in the first week. By the second week the local news interviewed me for a story on the film industry in Shreveport. You can check it out here: Billions used to roll through Shreveport Bossier leaving Millions
By the third week the Lord has called us to pray for the next 21 days. Before we can begin pre-production some things beyond my control need to wrap up first. April and I have chosen to join our Pastor at Shreveport Community Church in 21 days of prayer. Today is day 7 and we will conclude September 22. This is a great time to join our Perfect Swing Prayer Team. You can sign up for weekly email updates here: I am also posting daily prayers on
On Saturday, I was on a date with my wife at Starbucks. We were enjoying a familiar setting that made us feel at home in the NW with the smells and sounds of coffee, when suddenly a large man with a white beard came up to our table and asked if I worked out. I laughed and said no I am just a big guy. He said that he used to play professional football and would like to arm wrestle me for $100. I said I didn't have $100 cash on me to bet. He pulled out his $100 and put it on the table. This made April nervous. She thought he was trying to hustle us or something. He said he's left handed and would wrestle me right handed and he just went in to give blood so he was feeling weak and assured us that I would win and politely asked April to scoot on over so we could wrestle. I laughed again and said why not, let's do this! We arm wrestled and I won but he didn't even try. He walked away without saying a word and left the $100 on the table.
"Wow!! I had the Holy Spirit shoot through my body as I read the story about your date. I also believe that was an angel! The number 100 is God's election of grace. Children of promise. Full reward. Abraham was 100 when his son Isaac was born. Just like Perfect Swing is a promise from God. You are birthing something new and God will give you your full reward. Blessings to the Himes family. Continual prayers going up daily for you all!"
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Scouting for Perfect Swing in Shreveport, Louisiana
Our last stop on the way to Dallas, Texas this summer was in Shreveport, Louisiana to visit with my Sister-In-Law, Rebecca, and her awesome family! After Nouvelle Vie wrapped in Indiana we had time to visit extended family in Illinois for a couple weeks. We rested and recovered from the long days on set and enjoyed being with family and eating large midwest meals twice a day plus dessert! But when we arrived in Shreveport our pace of life began to pick back up to work mode. David, Rebecca's husband, reminded me of a golf course that was owned by his Pastor and that I should check it out. Our first meeting at the Shreveport Country Club began with the General Manager asking to begin and told me that the Lord spoke to him yesterday and told him that a movie was going to be shot here as well as some other details from our story. I was blown away and blessed that God went before me like that. I tried to explain to him the negative impact a film crew and 200+ extras may have on his course. He didn't care. He heard from the Lord and wanted our movie to be shot on his course.
The next day I arrived with my camera and my oldest daughter Adalie to scout out the course. We both asked Jesus his thoughts about this location individually and then shared notes before we got out of the car. Jesus spoke clearly to both of us that, "We have arrived at our destination!" We scouted the course and sure enough I found all my locations.
The church, the city officials, family, friends, film crew all confirmed and welcomed us like family. It looks like Texas will have to wait for now. I am trusting God to button up business details so we can officially begin Pre-Production in Shreveport! Until then I will continue to prep on my own for directing, Perfect Swing!
I am going to be blogging weekly so follow the action here! For daily updates follow or Twitter To join the Perfect Swing Prayer team and receive weekly prayer points via email fill out the form on the right. Thank you all for your support! Let's make a movie!
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Week 3 - Behind the Scenes - Nouvelle Vie
Here is the third week of the Behind the Scenes episodes I am producing for the feature film, Nouvelle Vie in Winona Lake, Indiana. Tell all your friends about this movie!
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Route 66 to Nouvelle Vie
We left Ontario, CA June 14th and followed Route 66 most of the way to Mt Sterling, IL. Since we just came from Cars Land in Disney's California Adventure I could picture how this route and landscape inspired filmmaker John Lasseter. Our first stop was Flagstaff where we took the afternoon and visited the Grand Canyon.
We walked the South Rim and finally found the lodges and the restaurant. We were hungry! We had hamburgers, visited the gift shop, took pictures and admired the historic lodges. The girls bought souvenirs: hats, t-shirts, keychains, and postcards. I actually received my souvenir today, on Father's Day, from Zoie. A Grand Canyon travel mug! I love it! We stayed to watch the sunset and then traveled back to Flagstaff seeing multiple elk on the way home. We traveled to Tucumcari, NM the next night and then through Texas, the Panhandle of Oklahoma, to Wichita Kansas for our last night at a hotel for awhile. We rated our hotel experience based on the bed and breakfast experience so far its...
1. Ayres - Ontario, CA
2. Holiday Inn, Wichita, KS
3. Rodeway Inn Tumcumcari, NM
4. Days Inn - Flagstaff, AZ
5. Ramada - Redding, CA
On Wednesday we crossed the Missouri and Mississippi River and arrived in the small town of Mt. Sterling, IL to visit Grandma and Grandpa Bunfill. Lonnie and Sherri, April's folks, were also visiting. It was a great time seeing the old homestead and farms where Lonnie grew up and Lonnie and Sherri's first home. I found myself thankful that they took a faith trip across country to Oregon when they were young unless April and I may never have found each other. Good food and great conversations with Grandma and Grandpa. We felt very loved. We had lunch on Friday on the flooded Illinois River at the Boatel. Lonnie even sprung for the frog legs! Not bad, tastes like chicken.
On Saturday we drove to Winona Lake, Indiana to join the crew of the movie Nouvelle Vie. Cheri Murphy, an associate producer, and her friend Lynn greeted us on the porch overlooking the canal of Winona Lake. They were as excited as we were to show us the house. They decorated, furnished and supplied it themselves! New towels, comforters, recliners etc. They even had friends donate toys for the playroom. They even bought new DVDs for the girls. It feels like a vacation house on the lake. It's been three weeks since we moved out of our house and this is our first place that is our home. It may be for only four weeks but it's ours and we are excited to serve the crew of Nouvelle Vie with our talents and skills. Next week stay tuned for my video of Week #1 Behind the Scenes of Nouvelle Vie!
For daily pictures and updates follow Seth Himes and Highwater on Facebook. If you would like to join the prayer team and receive a weekly prayer update, fill out the form on the right of this blog.
We walked the South Rim and finally found the lodges and the restaurant. We were hungry! We had hamburgers, visited the gift shop, took pictures and admired the historic lodges. The girls bought souvenirs: hats, t-shirts, keychains, and postcards. I actually received my souvenir today, on Father's Day, from Zoie. A Grand Canyon travel mug! I love it! We stayed to watch the sunset and then traveled back to Flagstaff seeing multiple elk on the way home. We traveled to Tucumcari, NM the next night and then through Texas, the Panhandle of Oklahoma, to Wichita Kansas for our last night at a hotel for awhile. We rated our hotel experience based on the bed and breakfast experience so far its...
1. Ayres - Ontario, CA
2. Holiday Inn, Wichita, KS
3. Rodeway Inn Tumcumcari, NM
4. Days Inn - Flagstaff, AZ
5. Ramada - Redding, CA
On Wednesday we crossed the Missouri and Mississippi River and arrived in the small town of Mt. Sterling, IL to visit Grandma and Grandpa Bunfill. Lonnie and Sherri, April's folks, were also visiting. It was a great time seeing the old homestead and farms where Lonnie grew up and Lonnie and Sherri's first home. I found myself thankful that they took a faith trip across country to Oregon when they were young unless April and I may never have found each other. Good food and great conversations with Grandma and Grandpa. We felt very loved. We had lunch on Friday on the flooded Illinois River at the Boatel. Lonnie even sprung for the frog legs! Not bad, tastes like chicken.
On Saturday we drove to Winona Lake, Indiana to join the crew of the movie Nouvelle Vie. Cheri Murphy, an associate producer, and her friend Lynn greeted us on the porch overlooking the canal of Winona Lake. They were as excited as we were to show us the house. They decorated, furnished and supplied it themselves! New towels, comforters, recliners etc. They even had friends donate toys for the playroom. They even bought new DVDs for the girls. It feels like a vacation house on the lake. It's been three weeks since we moved out of our house and this is our first place that is our home. It may be for only four weeks but it's ours and we are excited to serve the crew of Nouvelle Vie with our talents and skills. Next week stay tuned for my video of Week #1 Behind the Scenes of Nouvelle Vie!
For daily pictures and updates follow Seth Himes and Highwater on Facebook. If you would like to join the prayer team and receive a weekly prayer update, fill out the form on the right of this blog.
behind the scenes,
film director,
Nouvelle Vie,
Perfect Swing,
Seth Himes
Saturday, June 13, 2015
California Dream Vacation
Wow! What an amazing week! I feel totally refreshed and recharged! It's incredible what an great vacation will do for the mind, soul and body! The stress from our move is just a distant memory.
We gave God the first fruits of our vacation by spending two nights in Redding, CA to see our friend Ciara and worship and rest at Bethel Church! The Lord confirmed our journey yet again and reminded us how much He loves us! We also celebrated Zoie's 9th Birthday!
On Monday we drove to La Verne, CA to celebrate my brother's graduation for the week! He is now Dr. Brant Himes! We spent two days in Disneyland! It was amazing and inspiring! Thanks Mom and Dad for the trip and Brant and Jackie for being the perfect host and the best Disney tour guides ever!
The hotel we stayed at was beautiful with a great hot breakfast. It was great to be with family! Truly I feel blessed and wooed by Jesus as he gently transitions us into our new life! Next week we begin traveling east! Oh what does Jesus have planned for us next?
Friday, June 5, 2015
On the road! - Hello Oregon
It has begun! We moved out of our house in Lacey, WA last Sunday May 31st and put our stuff in storage in Sherwood, OR so we can travel light for the next year of movie production! The first night in Oregon I was flooded with images and story for the sequel of Perfect Swing. Which tells me God has big plans for Perfect Swing if He is already preparing me for a sequel. I wrote the outline and shared in with my partners and if I find myself with 2 weeks downtime this summer perhaps I will write the screenplay. But first Summer Vacation!
This week in Oregon has been with our parents and visiting with old friends.
We spent the first half of the week in Sherwood and the second half in Hillsboro. Last night we celebrated my Dad's 65th Birthday!
It's been a great week to rest from our emotional move. Tomorrow we drive to Redding, CA to see friends and get filled up at Bethel Church as well as celebrate Zoie's 9th Birthday on Sunday! The last time I was at Bethel for a Heaven in Business Conference last August we experienced breakthrough for Perfect Swing. I am excited for my girls to experience Bethel, we already listen to their worship as a family and April and I never miss a podcast. We always get encouraged by the ministries of Bethel. I am excited to see what God has for us this weekend!
Next week we will be celebrating my brother's graduation as he receives his Phd. My folks are treating us to Disneyland!
Stay tuned for a new blog from a new state next week, as we make our way to Winona Lake, Indiana to join the movie crew of Nouvelle Vie!
This week in Oregon has been with our parents and visiting with old friends.
We spent the first half of the week in Sherwood and the second half in Hillsboro. Last night we celebrated my Dad's 65th Birthday!
Next week we will be celebrating my brother's graduation as he receives his Phd. My folks are treating us to Disneyland!
Stay tuned for a new blog from a new state next week, as we make our way to Winona Lake, Indiana to join the movie crew of Nouvelle Vie!
Friday, May 29, 2015
New Life - Goodbye Washington
This morning I was asked what we prefer for our accommodations while working on the movie Nouvelle Vie in Indiana, a hotel with a pool or a house near the lake. We unanimously chose the house near the lake! Jesus pointed out to me that it's no coincidence that our first project after our move is called Nouvelle Vie, which is french for, New Life. We have been preparing for this New Life that's been a promise in our hearts for decades, to make "Movies With Life", which is the tag line and vision of our company Highwater Entertainment.
April and I ran our first 5k last Saturday from our house to Meconis Subs! #WillRunForFood =) We have been training for 8 weeks and for the first time in my life I ran for 30 minutes straight, hey I am a big guy. =) The training is complete, physically, mentally and spiritually and it's time step into this New Life. Next week I will be blogging from a new state! Stay tuned! Join the prayer team for Perfect Swing Movie and receive a weekly email with prayer points!
Friday, May 22, 2015
Friends for Life

Between packing up our house we are trying to make every opportunity to see our friends one last time before we hit the road. Last Sunday the Gray's hosted a Send-Off Bbq for us! We talked with friends for hours and the kids ran all over the place. We truly felt blessed! We received generous gifts and words of encouragement and confirmation that God is truly blessing our journey. We have made friends here in Olympia that we truly consider our friends for life and this is only the beginning of our friendship. These friends have believed in us when we've been at rock bottom and have picked us up and cheered us on. When we've had nothing but our dreams and our smiling faces they've welcomed us and encouraged us. They trained us up in ministry, business, parenting, our marriage and our identity in Christ! We've had the opportunity to bless and be blessed through our church, life group, RTF ministry, soccer, AWANA, and other homeschool families. One more week until the moving van arrives. Please reach out if we haven't connected yet! All who want to carry boxes and lift heavy appliances are welcome to join us May 31st. Lunch will be provided just let us know you are coming! If you feel called to give toward our moving and travel expenses my paypal email is If you would like to join the Perfect Swing Movie Prayer Team, and receive weekly prayer points click here or subscribe on the right. Love you all! We will be back in Olympia to screen our movie, let's pack the house, so all may hear and believe in Jesus!
Thursday, May 14, 2015
The Conquest begins May 31, 2015
The main theme of Perfect Swing is about how to receive your inheritance. There are three life stages that you must go through.
1. The Wilderness - 2. The Conquest - 3. The Promise Land
The Himes family is crossing over the Jordan and leaving the Wilderness and beginning our Conquest May 31, 2015!
The Wilderness may be the least popular but vital in the journey to your Promise Land! Our family has been blessed these last 12 years in Olympia, WA. Serving on staff at Church of Living Water as the Media Director and learning to trust God for our daily provision these last 7 years freelancing in the Christian Movie Industry, producing Behind the Scenes. We have received a lot of healing from fear of abandonment that God has forgotten about the dreams He gave us. I even came to a point of completely giving up on my dreams to make movies and God sent people to restore us and build as back up. The Wilderness has been a stripping away of fear and building up our faith on a solid foundation. In the Wilderness we have developed movies, written business plans, written screenplays, built relationships within the movie industry and established Perfect Swing Movie LLC to receive investments. The preparation for our Conquest is complete and it's time to make Perfect Swing!
Before the Israelites could posses their Promise Land they had to conquer it first. Our Promise Land is the establishment of our company Highwater Entertainment to create movies with life to impact audiences and empower artists by partnering with Jesus! So our Conquest is to empower artists in the movie industry by employing them to work on Perfect Swing so we can impact our audience with our finished film!
During the Conquest you are constantly on the move, for us that means we will be without our own home.
And Jesus said to them, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.” - Matthew 8:20
During Jesus' ministry that's how he lived and the Israelites weren't allowed to build their own homes until their conquest was complete. I asked my girls if they were worried about not having a house for awhile, they responded boldly, "Not at all, we are excited for our adventure!" As I have conquered fear in my life through my relationship with Jesus it effects my children in powerful ways!
Pray for us as we begin our epic conquest! All of our stuff is going into storage and all that we will have will be in our Chevy Tahoe. We will be traveling to Portland, Redding and La Verne to be with friends and family and than we will be traveling from Southern California across country to Winona Lake Indiana to produce Behind the Scenes for the feature Nouvelle Vie and begin to recruit and get to know more cast and crew for Perfect Swing. At the end of July we will be heading to Dallas Texas to join our producer for Perfect Swing, Chad Gundersen. Pray for our funding to be available to us at the perfect time. Once the funds are released we can start pre-production! This conquest would be a lot easier to start with the funds in the bank, but that wouldn't make it a conquest would it! We are trusting for Jesus to lead us every step of the way and to provide everything we need, when we need it. He didn't abandon us in the Wilderness so we know He will be with us in the Conquest. It's time to march around cities until the walls fall and slay some giants!
The journey begins May 31, 2015! Follow the adventure right here! Who's with us?
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